Brooklyn Fit Chick Vlog Episode #102
The Amazing Erin Brown and The Awesome Karl Stefanovic,
NYC Fitbloggin Tweet-Up Date!!
Plus: Book vs. Movie Podcast “Wizard of Oz” Is Live!
Hey there! Hi there! Ho there!
How is everyone today? I had a crazy busy weekend and could not seem to find the time to get to this post but darn it—I am going to make it happen today. This week I want to present a couple of my favorite news stories and posts from this past week plus I drop a hint about the next NYC Meet-Up for Fitbloggin Peeps. Oh, and we have a new episode of Book Vs Movie where we talk about the Merry Old land of Oz so let’s get to it—shall we!
- The Fabulous Erin Brown: I am a longtime fan of Erin Brown who is an inspirational gal who describes herself as “ Writer. Lecturer. Wellness junkie. Bad ass mother. Woman. I am Erin Brown.” Erin is a feminist and is a tireless supporter of women and protector of body images. If you want to learn about this fantastic lady and why I worship her…check out this post in particular. Erin is out to bash the body-shamers to bits!
- The Awesome Aussie Karl Stefanovic: If you don’t know about Karl—he is the host of Australia’s version of the Today Show and this righteous dude was tired of hearing his female co-hosts get criticized for their appearance so he took on the task of wearing the same exact suit every day for a year (he only changed his tie) to prove that men are judges far less harshly for how they look. Well guess what—not ONE person noticed he was wearing the same outfit every day. No one. You can read all about his here from the Buzz Feed article and check out this clip from his colleague Lisa Wilkinson who spoke out about sexism in the media industry.
- NYC-Fitbloggin Meet-Up: I am a little nervous about posting this as the Fitbloggin group on Facebook is “super-secret” but if you are a member—I am setting up a drinks date for Saturday, December 6th at 2 pm for the NYC area fitbloggin peeps. If you want to join us go check out the details on Facebook!
- Book vs. Movie Takes on “The Wizard of Oz” The lovely Margo P. and I had a fun chat last week for our Book vs. Movie podcast talking about the crazy differences between the book and movie The Wizard of Oz which you can listen to by subscribing to us on iTunes! Our next episode will be about the “Rom Com” classic Bridget Jones’ Diary. Can’t wait to dive into that one!
Now on to this week’s Vlog and giveaway details!
(If you are reading this on a different site or a different feed than Brooklyn Fit Chick, it has been taken without permission.)
Until next time…
Ox Ox,
Brooklyn Fit Chick
Follow me on Twitter: “BrooklynFitChik” (note the spelling!)
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You Tube: BrooklynFitChick1
Original article: Brooklyn Fit Chick Vlog Ep 102: Amazing Fighters of Sexism, NYC Fit Bloggin Meet Up and More!.